One of the most common questions our summer campers ask during their time at Camp Tuku is: “How did Camp Tuku get its name?” Or, as we like to say, quite enthusiastically:  Who put the TUKU in Camp Tuku!

The question that kids almost always ask next is this:  Why is the Camp Tuku mascot a toucan?

And so we share with our campers–and here with you–the Camp Tuku story….

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You’ve landed on this page because you’ve heard or read about how great mindfulness practices are for kids (and their grown-ups). In our last blog post, we told you about the amazing benefits of mindfulness on kids’ emotional wellbeing. In this post, we offer tips to help you begin a mindfulness practice with your child…and share videos of our favorite Camp Tuku mindfulness practices for you to try at home.

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Kids benefit from the amazing changes that simple mindfulness practices can bring about for their emotional health and wellbeing. A regular mindfulness practice helps condition the mind and body to be less reactive and more resilient to daily stress. Let’s take a closer look at the power of mindfulness practices  for helping kids to manage their emotional wellbeing.

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